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" i loved to be known as Little Flower of Child Jesus."
St. Little Flower
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Provincial Election
St. Joseph Provincial Synaxis of the Congregation of St. Therese of Lisieux, held from 02nd to 05th May 2024, elected the following Brothers to the New Provincial Administrative Team. 1. Bro. Savio Arackal CST-Provincial Superior 2. Bro. Antony Arampulickal CST - Vicar Provincial, 3. Bro. Mathew Marangattu CST - Auditor/Councilor, 4. Bro. Santhosh Aindla CST - Councilor, 5. Bro. George Kumminithottam CST - Councilor, 6. Bro. George Perumattikunnel CST - Finance Officer.
Death Anniversary
The First Death Anniversary of Rev. Bro. Thomas Puthuparampil CST is being commemorated on 14th May 2024 with a Holy Mass and other Prayers at 11.00 a.m. at Mother House Chapel ( Little Flower Ashram Church) at Mookkannur.
New Provincial Council
Sacred Heart Provincial Synaxis of the Congregation of St. Therese of Lisieux, held from 27th to 29th April 2024, elected the following Brothers to the New Provincial Administrative Team. 1. Bro. Savio Arackal CST-Provincial Superior 2. Bro. Antony Arampulickal CST - Vicar Provincial, 3. Bro. Mathew Marangattu CST - Auditor/Councilor, 4. Santhosh Aindla CST - Councilor, 5. Bro. George Kumminithottam CST - Councilor, 6. Bro. George Perumattikunnel CST - Finance Officer.
Annual Retreat 2024
In accordance with the Statute No. 40 of our Congregation, this year we have arranged Annual Retreat for our brothers from 19th (Sunday evening) to 24th (Friday morning) May 2024 at our Generalate, Angamaly South. You are invited for the retreat and requested to schedule your programmes well in advance so that there would be no hindrance to participate in the Annual Retreat 2024. Rev. Fr. Mariyadas Ofm. Con. has agreed to preach the retreat. You are kindly requested to inform me confirming your participation in the retreat, as early as possible, so that necessary arrangements can be done Requesting your valuable prayers and co-operation for the success of the annual retreat and in union of prayers, Yours Sincerely in Christ, Bro. Varghese Manjaly CST, Superior General.
Sad Demise of Rev. Bro. Sebastian Puthenpurackal CST
Our beloved Bro. Sebastian Puthenpurackal CST (61) passed away at 10.00 a.m. on 06th Oct. 2022. He was born of Mathew & Annam in Methikalam Puthenpurackal family on 10th April 1961. He took his First Vows on 08th Sept, 1984 and Final Vows on 17th May 1990. Most part of his religious life was spent in the Mission Centres in North India. Funeral ceremony was officiated by Mar Sebastian Vaniyapurackal , the Curia bishop of Syro-Malabar Church at 2.30 p.m. on 8th Oct. 2022. May he be rewarded with Eternal Rest.
Annual Retreat II batch.
ANNUAL RETREAT – 2022 (II Batch ) (05 -10 Sept.2022) Dear Rev.Brothers, Loving Regards from the Generalate ! The annual Retreat II Batch will be from 05th (Monday Evening) to 10th (Saturday Morning) Sept. 2022. All those who have not participated in the first batch are requested to make their retreat in this batch without fail. Rev. Fr. Jose Velacherry Ofm Cap. will be the Retreat preacher and the venue of the Retreat will be CST Generalate, Angamaly. Try to reach the Generalate on time. Requesting your valuable prayers and co-operation for the success of the annual retreat and in union of prayers, Yours Sincerely in Christ, Bro. Varghese Manjaly CST Superior General.
Sad Demise of Bro. Varghese Ponnakuzhiyil CST
Rev. Bro. Varghese Ponnakuzhiyil (Varkey P.T,) passed away at 08.10 p.m. on 06th April 2022. Bro. Varghese was born at Kottackupuram parish of Changanacherry Archdiocese on 06th Jan. 1968 as the youngest child of his parents Thomas and Rosa. He joined the Congregation in 1983. He took his First Profession on 17th May 1986 and Final Profession on 17th May 1992. He has served as Superior, Director, Principal, Teacher, Rector etc. in the Ashrams and Institutions of the Congregation. He was the member of Pastoral Councilof Tellicerry Archdiocese, AiSSE Exam Chief Superintedent, Treasurer of State Sahodaya, Motivation speaker etc. He was awared with "National Environment Awareness Award" by Indian Institute of Ecology and Environment.
Sad Demise of Bro. Borgia Annathukuzhy
Rev. Bro. Borgia Annathukuzhy CST Passed away at 10.20 a.m. on 13th Jan. 2022. Bro. Borgia was the first child of his parents-Ouseph and Mariam- at Paingotoor of Kothamangalam diocese. He was born on 5th Jan. 1940. He joined the CST Congregationin 1958. He made his First Profession on 17th May 1961 and Final Profession on 06th May 1967. He was the second Superior General of the Congregation from 1982 to 1985. He had served as Superior, Director, Manager, Principal etc. in the Ashrams and Institutions of the Congregation. He was an active member of NARBI and KARB.
New Office Bearers for St. Joseph Province
The Provincial Synaxis of St. Joseph Province of the Congregation of St. Therese of Lisieux (CST Brothers) held from 08th to 10th April 2021 elected: Rev. Bro. Joy Thadathil CST - Provincial Superior.
SH Province-New Office Bearers
The Provincial Synaxis of Sacred Heart Province of the Congregation of St. Therese of Lisieux (CST Brothers) held from 25th to 28th March 2021 elected: Rev. Bro. Joseph Mundumoozhikara CST - Provincial Superior, Rev. Bro. Savio Arackal CST - Vicar Provincial, Rev, Bro. Mathew Marangattu CST - Auditor, Rev. Bro. Sebastian Palakkattu CST - Councillor and Rev. Bro. Dominic Kuruppanparambil CST - Councillor. Rev. Bro. George Perumattikunnel CST is the Provincial Procurator.
S.H. Provincial Synaxis
Sacred Heart Provincial Synaxis is being held from 25th to 28th April 2021 at the Generalate of the Congregation. There are 10 elected members and 5 Official members in the Synaxis. Provincial Superior and Councillors will be elected on 28th April Let us pray for the success of the Synaxis.
Election of New Office Bearers.
The General Synaxis of the Congregation of St. Therese of Lisieux (CST Brothers) held from 14th to19th March 2021 elected: Rev. Bro. Varghese Manjaly CST - Superior General. Rev. Bro. Thomas Karondukadavil CST - Vicar General Rev, Bro. Simon Cheramallookaran CST - Auditor General Rev. Bro. Varghese Ponnakuzhy CST - Councillor Rev. Bro. Saji Kalabukattu CST - Councillor Rev. Bro. George Pattassery CST - Finance Officer
General Synaxis 2021
The 16th General Synaxis of the Congregation of St. Therese of Lisieux is scheduled to be held from 14th to 19th March 2021. Election of the New Superior General will be held during this Synaxis. Bro. Joseph Kongola CST, Superior General.
Funeral of Bro. Jose Putheyedath CST
The funeral ceremonies of Rev. Bro. Jose Puthiyedath CST, who had gone for his Eternal Reward yesterday (27.02.2021), will begin at 10.00 a.m. tomorrow (01.03.2021- Monday), in Little Flower Ashram Church at Mookkannur.- Bro. Joseph Kongola CST, Superior General.
Welcome to our Official Website
Congregation of St. Therese of Liseiux is a non-clerical congregation founded exclusively for Brothers on 19th March 1931, by His Grace Mar Augustine Kandathil in a rural village called Mookkannur in the District & Archdiocese of Ernakulam in Kerala State of India. Now we are happy to launch a web-site of our own. Though it was initiated two-three times earlier, now only it has become fruitful. Most welcome to all to watch our site.
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SH Province-New Office Bearers

The Provincial Synaxis of Sacred Heart Province of the Congregation of St. Therese of Lisieux (CST Brothers) held from 25th to 28th March 2021 elected: Rev. Bro. Joseph Mundumoozhikara CST - Provincial Superior, Rev. Bro. Savio Arackal CST - Vicar Provincial, Rev, Bro. Mathew Marangattu CST - Auditor, Rev. Bro. Sebastian Palakkattu CST - Councillor and Rev. Bro. Dominic Kuruppanparambil CST - Councillor. Rev. Bro. George Perumattikunnel CST is the Provincial Procurator.

St.Joseph's Province - C S T Fathers - Little Flower Congregation

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